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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

8 rules to find your perfect wedding gown

You might already have a rough idea on what kind of wedding gown you want for your wedding, here are some rules for you to consider before you pick THE dress.

1.  Do not wait until the last minute
trust me, you would want to make it your priority. After all your wedding gown is the centerpiece of your wedding day. 

2.  Find your story
what story do you want to tell on your wedding day? do you want to look traditional,modern, classic,chic, vintage?

3.  Set a budget
In general, bride set aside 10% - 15% of her overall budget for the wedding gown. However some does not feel the need to spent a lot for a gown she would only wear for a day. while others feel that their wedding gown are the most importance.

4.  Proportion and Silhouette is the KEY
I couldn't stress this enough that you SHOULD find a dress that have beautiful silhouette and great proportion for your body.

5.  Bring your close friends and family 
Someone that understand what you want in a dress and respect your style.

 6.  Be Yourself
Do not purchase wedding gown just because it's in season or trend, in the years to come you will then realize that everyone else wore that same gown. 

7.   Set your mind 
Once you found the gown that you love, stop looking, if you keep going around and searching in hope of finding better gown, you are going to get confused because you have seen too much.

 8.  The secret is being Simple
Simple does not need to be boring or plain, but make your wedding gown extra special by paying attention to the small details, and personal touches.



  1. these are useful tips :) thank you. i am in the process of finding my gown

  2. makacii infonya sis

  3. artikle2 gini membantu juga, memang bingung yah cari baju pengantin harus bawa org yang deket untuk bantuin


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